古路戲曲〈藍芳草〉之詮釋與分析- 以劉育秀畢業音樂會為例
This paper focuses on the interpretation of the sections of Beiguan old style theater ‘LanFangTsao’ presented at “Liu Yu-Hsiu’s Graduate Concert”. Below is the synopsis of LanFangTsao: A wicked woman, LanFangTsao’s wife, abused their daughter-in-law, and accused things up that made the poor girl put in jail.After knowing the situation, LanFangTsao went to jail to see his daughter-in-law.
First of all, the paper will start with story research, comparing the scripts of LanFangTsao which is followed by the version of text description(總講)from master Peng, Shiou-Jing with Qing Menggu Chewangfu Changquben and the other beiguan text descriptions.
Furthermore, the paper will focus on the melo-metric tunes of Beiguan old style theater LanFangTsao used, including Pin Ban(平板), Er Fan(二凡), Man Zhong Jin(慢中緊), Doa Ban(倒板), Jin Ban(緊板), analysing the characters' status and interpretation of the melo-metric tunes.